There’s a nearby spa famous 4 BS… clients less interested in msg

so that skinny girl can get away w/o doing msg much… xxcep lip2lip

or pussy2lip msg if she likes u …
Another nearby spa limits tips max $60 so girls provide less service, more msg…
Bellagio clients = a mix… some msg hounds who just wanna lil handy @ the end

… some service oriented guys lookng 4 pretty girls like Lucy, Cecelia, Clara, some of young new hires or older hi mileage mature gals…
… that 2nd grp = pretty large % of Bellagio clientele
U can read the daily sched & figure out which mpas = msg girls & which ones = service oriented …
Today (Saturday) Clara = service oriented

, Jennifer = pure msg only

… Erica = newbie but msg 1st… Sharon = talented @ msg but super horny

so u get both w her.