Looking at the IT website i saw claudia in the ladies section and she was listed as being spanish.i put her name into the massageplanet.net searchamatron and came up empty so i decided to investigate in person.Claudia came into the room with a wonderful smile on her face and asked me if i was ready(oh yeah).i started on my stomach and she proceded with a pretty decent massage.we had some of the usual chit chat during which i found out she is from venezeula.she then started to heat things up with the best teasing i have had(my boys felt like kings) along with some light kisses up my back and around the neck and ears along with some gentle moans.she then had me turn over and continued with her sensual play which she slowly built up to an amazing finish during which i believe i was speaking fluent spanish, though i have no knowledge of the language.my session with claudia reaffirmed for me why latina ladies are my favorite.i need to get myself to a latin american country for a vacation someday.the description of claudia on the website is very accurate as far as her body goes and she has a pretty face and a very sweet disposition so please treat her well i would hate to see her lose that.
45 min=50+150
45 min=50+150