Good for you, and also for recognizing that it is easy to drop weight and change your shape. I think the easiest way is to change 2 things: eliminate one thing, and add another. Usually that means, add something positive and delete something negative, lol.
But definitely don't let your doctor produce a magic # for you to reach. I think if you have plateued and are at a good place for you, that this is the place you can easily maintain. Don't let the # "180" get you off track to losing more weight. That can turn into an obsession, and obsession into an eating disorder, really. And having got there, it will be far too easy to just go back to 185 because getting to and keeping at 180 is beyond maintenance level, if you know what I mean.
Sometimes weight loss should be accompanied by counselling, something to deal with the changes, especially in how you view yourself but also how others view you. You want to be happy with what you have; other people, like family or friends may feel they don't know who you are anymore. You might find some sense of peace if you find someone to talk to. Certainly sps are good people to talk to: we do a lot of listening and are used to being non-judgmental about alot of things. But I would bet there is a weight loss support group out there for people dealing with new bodies.