Just saw the news report about MP's on CTV. For those who missed it, it went something like this. They showed scenes about the stabbing that happened at A&R Studio. The CTV reporter (Tom Hayes) and a TO councellor walked into the spa and confronted Angelo, who owns the place. There was an MPA sitting in the lobby, who just walked into another room when the reporter went in. The owner didn't want any camera's on location, but I guess he folded because they showed a few clips of the rooms. No MPA's were in view and all declined an interview except the owner.
The reporter asked Angelo if something more than a massage goes on at these places, and he said not at his place, but other MP's could be at fault. Angelo said he follows all the by-laws and would fire any girl who crossed the line.
Tom Hayes then went on to tell the differences between RMT's and the other MPA's. Again, another shot of Utopia's website showing the stats on an MPA, highlighting the bust-size.
In conclusion, they pointed out two steps. First was to review the by-laws, and the second was to close down MP's that offered more than a massage.