HEY Dudes,
I was wondering

how can i make mongering a safe bet......i mean as safe as possible....so i did some R&D on the net...of course my research could be immature......that is the reason i am posting it here..
it could be very useful information if i have hit the bulls eye in the dark
this is from playboy johnny soporno
P.S. I have been with WELL over 2000 playmates in my life, and have NEVER CONTRACTED ANY STDs (not even chlamydia or genital warts!) in 20+ years of sportfucking. This is due to education, CONSTANT VIGILANCE, correct condom-use, and washing aggressively with HOT, SOAPY water IMMEDIATELY after each event.
Oral sex
Unless the girl has an obvious cold-sore on her mouth, (usually caused by Herpes Simplex I) the odds against your contracting anything genitally from her mouth are astronomically low. While it IS possible she could have oral gonorrhea/chlamydia, it is fantastically uncommon, and would normally require that you have an open-sore on your unit through which her fluids would contact your own. Not to forget that such maladies can be completely cured with a single dose of antibiotics, readily available from any doctor.
If she DOES have a coldsore, and she STILL wants to suck your cock, she's a either a serious masochist, or a desperate drug addict! Those things are NOT painless - so in brief, avoid.
For penetrative intercourse, vaginal or anal, use a latex or polyurethane condom, (which are both safe against HIV) and WASH WITH HOT WATER AND SOAP
IMMEDIATELY after you're through... - not just your penis and scrotum, but the surrounding areas as well. Dead cells can flake off her and land on you, and eventually become absorbed into your skin, transmitting nasties such as genital warts (HPV) or herpes.
A very good hygiene habit to cultivate is washing yourself thoroughly with plenty of hot water and soap immediately after every encounter. This will wash away any stray skin cells or anything else that may have viruses or bacteria which could eventually be accepted into your body. However, since that process is a fairly slow one, washing immediately, or at least AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, is advisable!
This will reduce your likelihood of catching anything by a tremendous amount… And using condoms with strangers is every man’s responsibility!
One of the forum guys asked him a practical question
Johnny, not to take this on a tangent, but how do you jump right into the washing thing? It seems like some women might be offended or at least a bit miffed about one dashing to the tub right after a hot session....
Excellent question!
Generally, I'll cuddle and snuggle until my erection refracts to the point that the condom is in jeopardy of slipping off - then I'll excuse myself to get rid of it and clean myself up a bit. When I return smelling and being freshly cleansed, I'll return to post-coital snuggles etc.
Go have fun - catching an STD is 2007 is generally PROOF that you didn't follow the very simple advice I've given you here.
Johnny Soporno
Worthy Playboy