Before getting on the FR thing...
Small reaction- it's a forum where i feel quite a few fairy tales are the FR's
Secondly - FR are FR... Take them with the intention to get some insights
Third n last - people i think the damages that ppl say they incur while mongering is little flawed... Pls enlighten me on pm... Need some quantitative facts in ma mind
FR - star night was the place to be...
This time i couldn't see the girl i was eyeing fr two previous visit visible... So was little bored but the girl whom we made dance once was there so made her dance again...
Two seriously good dances by her so small incentive and two normal dances were ok... Over three visits it was the most expensive one but i enjoyed...
So the thing is that KCC has some gems but i don't know how much to spend n crack the entry at this place... But surely there is some entry kindoff thing in cabana and star night... Since quite a few girls don't dance n just stand...
My understanding...
N yes my tip to service went up this time... To 500 to these guys... Good service n management is really good...

Till date don't know abt tommorow
KCC - kaliyon ka chaman...
Maybe I will initiate once i know the difference between actual precision FR's by quantitative & factual backing members from fairy tale ones i will surely initiate
And another challenge i.e.
PRINCE OF NM - maybe weekly
Already too many declared kings in the forum "NO OFFENCE" to anyone just a thought...
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