Bhai,I'm also interested in knowing how people stumbled upon this forum...this forum is like a treasury I found,that changed my life.
Here's my story - As a school kid I was shy when it came to talking to girls, introvert kind with selective friends.Used to watch cartoons lol & one day while changing channels came across song Candy Shop...started watching VH1 & all em' rappers song like I wanna fuck you,Smack that,In da club.I always dreamt my life you be like that one day.
Hormones were showing their effect

Started buying porn CDs from a guy who used to sell movies & music pirated CDs.
I was in 7th grade when I watched my first porn movie...slowly slowly I developed extreme passion for these movies & bought more & more CDs.
I had 3-4 PDs & used to download porn movies from torrent...used to listen to adult songs Choot vol 1,Kaash koi mil Jaye,etc...had become a spoilt brat but yeah was good in studies in school.
By the time I was in junior college, family issues began due to which I maintained social distance for 5-6 years...used to spend most of the time playing games on computer games & used to watch lots of adult films like American Pie, Friends with benefits,etc.
I had extreme sex drive & used to masturbate like 5-6 times a day...much more compared to what my friends told they do...hence the name Lustking69.
When I was in junior college got better at talking with the girls...2-3 girls even liked me but I didn't find them attractive.
The harmonal changes were at it's was so high that I even felt aroused by looking at girls selling vegetables at the market.
One day finally I mustered courage and met my childhood friends and started becoming a bit social.While I was hanging out with two of my friends...drinking in car, talking about life...asked one of them who is few years elder to me that if he had a girlfriend.
He told me that there is something called as a ladies bar where you can handover 500 bucks and grope,kiss the girls, milfs.
I searched on Google for ladies bar and came across this a few pages but didn't know much about what all can be done...once I went to Kapil-Kinara Orchestra bar...I was such a noob at that time that I asked the waiter can I make the girl sit beside and kiss her...he said no only dance.
Again, asked on forum for information...MK guided me...first bar I really enjoyed was Sneha...had sat with a young chick named Rubina ( not the current, famous one )
Then Kishor bar...Mayur moved on to DB,OB...visited almost 50+ bars but stick to my regular bars & girls as I like it that way.
I am so in love with this lifestyle,that I have decided not to get married & just have fun with these chicks,milfs till I die.
My friends will be changing diapers while I'll be changing panties...
"Why fall in love,when you can fly in lust."
- Lustking69
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