Burst those bombs.
(Assumption: (1) you have their numbers (2) you want to save money)
Your list
Make the list of girls u have spent money on (bar girls).
Now rate them for urself...all of them...number them from 1 to ......
Concentrate on the top 3. And delete the rest. They are useless...
I hope...
one of them is the VFM who has given the best service..
One of them is the one whom u desire but she always ignored in normal times..
One of them comes in between the above two...she seduces you showing that she might give you the desired service...but you are still hanging...delete her name..
Now half the budget you spent pre-Covid monthly on the first two individually...that should be your budget for the next 2 months (monthly)...to play the Russian roulette...
Spend on the 2 individually...
Bed them.
That’s my savings plan. Hope it works for u. If it doesn’t then you end up savings money for the normal days from 2021...
Make yours..
Now burst the crackers from Diwali till happy new year.