Continued from last post..,,,,,
One big thing i notice here
This girls had no great skill to catch the Punter (murga)
Or maybe they dont get much money by customers here so these girl become dead by soul to please the customers.
I had visited to a navi mumbai bar 2 times and a beauty come and stand near me everytime
I hadnt given her singal penny both times but she hadnt given up.
She know i will be a good investment for her and she given me times on both ocassion .
Now even i dont remeber how much i had thrown on her
This skill you will miss with shilphata girls
You had to throw money first than you will be noticed here unlike navi mumbai bars where waiters black coats white coats girls everyone calculate your status correctly before you starts to spend.
Back to topic
After seven star visited shreya
Few staffs know me there
Its around 6:45 and bar was all empty
Only 2 customers and 7 8 girls who were only ok type and some fat ones too
Ordered vodka
Now crowd start coming and thus the girls
But all are okis type none are stunner
Two of them caught my eyes.
Asked black coat to throw 1k on a girl.
He reacted like hell i gifted an island to the girl or a flat in burj khalifa

It took 5 mins to bring 1k and misery doesnt end here
He threw that money on other girl.
I was not keen to throw away more 1k on first girl but she was trying to impress me from begining of time so order black coat to throw 1 k on her
Now just imagine condition of this guy
He said sir dono ko 500 500 de doon
I asked to give seperate 1k to her.
Now the Gaonwalas starring at me
All girls trying to impress me
I had at least 15 or more girls standing in front of my eyes
To hell with it
I had feeling like a mammal surrounded by 15 20 females hungry tigress.
Finished drinks and leave after tipping to staffs
The black coat who always attend me was in socker as i always spend less than 1000 rs here.
Feel i will have gala time on next visit there.
So friend thats all i had done in last week and a short trip to nl which was nothing special
Hope to have gettogether soon with seniors