FR Kishor bar
Plan was to got to Sumit with
@chintubantu054 around 4:30 pm but got info from @Aayush that Sumit is full so left for Kishore along with
Reached by 5 pm, inner two sections were full n even outer seats almost full, luckily got two seats at the corner.
Settled down n asked for whisky for myself n juice for friend.
Jack Bhai luckily got a seat inside later, asked waiter to fetch few good service MILF for friend, one was busy n other absent, meanwhile i found a young babe in her early twenties wearing a sexy one piece, got assurity on service so made her sit instead of muse.
Was enjoying passionate kissing session with intermittent groping n fondling but found that my friend was not enjoying much with the MILF whom he was seated, so thought of finishing early, but later he sat with other MILF again not much service oriented, thought of skipping entry plan with chick whom I was seated with n go to Sneha for friend but luckily @asciif00 came so told him to take
@chintubantu054 to Sneha while I completed my session, settled bill n paid entry charges, had an awesome fuck at GP lodge then went to Sneha, came out with friends had some tea n snacks outside, later went to NMMG had dinner n ended the day with ride at mini seashore.
Bill - 850
Tips to Muse - 400
Bohni to regular - 200
Entry charges - 3k
Coatwala / Waiter - 150
Chotu - 50
Condy boy - 100
Happy mongering, LK69
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