Question: What do.u say when some girl ask.u for money
Ans: Rarely any girl asked me for money now a days. But, Before 3 to 4 years some used to ask. Sometimes I gave 1K, sometimes 2k, sometimes 5k also, to those only, with whom I used to spend good time.
In last one month one girl called (becoz I accidentally shared my number) and told her mother is sick and asked money 5k. I directly denied.. Told ye sab faltoo kaam ke liye paisa nahi hai..
That's it... Clear and short..
She didn't mind I believe.. Becoz yesterday I squeezed her bum and given her 500 rs..
There is no harm in saying a direct "no" for these types of things. Girls don't mind it.
It is only our mind that perceives "if we deny the girl for help she will mind it"..
We need to rectify our perception in case we have the above perception. Very rudimentary things of mongering.
One, as Spending a good time now in this field, who should not be bothered by these types of googlies.
Yesterday that girl (whom I denied money) came on her own and allowed my hand to carress her body and bum. She was smiling when my left hand was squeezing and right hand was busy in discovering unseen corners of her waist
Let me explain..
After certain numbers of visits to a DB by anyone, the girl/s make a imaginary picture of any mongerer. That picture clearly depicts the attributes of the mongerer (like key attributes).
Sharif aadmi hai
Chut ka bhukha
Apna kaam se kaam rakh ta hai
Eek girlfriend wala
Ishko har baar nayi ladki chahiye
Etc etc etc...
So a given monger will get the return on investment as per the "key attributes"...
The "key attributes" doesn't change rapidly. It normally doesn't change. Still exceptions are there.
So it doesn't matter whether you say "yes" or "no" to any dB girl if she asks money.
You will still get the same return even if you say "no".
Asking money for help is normal for these girls. This is similar like we ask ciggaratte in paan shop, we don't mind if the shopkeeper replies "no". What we do, is just move to the nearby paan tapri for our choice.
Likewise, these girls calibrate the foundation of mongerer and ask for money. They don't mind if you deny them... I mean, you still can make dance her and take to entry next time, if you have money.
Confidence is not "They will like me".
Confidence is "I will be perfectly fine if they don't"
Confidence is not "I know all the answers"
Confidence is "I am open to all the problems"
Woman is an intriguing blend of simplicity and complexity.
A recipe to be loved...
But never revealed...
Enjoy it...
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