These observations are NOT based on profound scientific research. But can be helpful to mongers to understand why they aren't able to break through with a particular damsel.
- Girls with a single latest i-phone in hand, will mostly deny or always postpone meeting you for out call, as she has a single Anchor patron, with whom she is temporarily in serious relationship. Though these ones are the best looking or best dancers so u can enjoy viewing pleasures.
- Girl without any smartphone, strictly avoidable. She is new to business knows nothing about dance or entry business. has a lot of airs about her beauty and self image. Her guiding agent has not been able to get a good launch pad for her. When u ask for her mobile number she will ask for an iPhone.
- Girl With iPhone of earlier version, she has an long standing anchor patron, but the anchor is not much interested now. Approachable for short, discreet out-of-bar stints
-- With latest iPhone and latest Samsung flagship optionallly also has a apple/Samsung watch.
She is the reigning queen of the arena. But 2 phones means she is still available. She is not answerable to her Anchor patrons, she has good amount of backup. She knows her business well.
Are Approachable. To approach Need to be tactical on timing. prefer days of less visitors,... chaturthi, ekadashi, jayantis etc. Most of high spending anchor patrons believe in superstition/omens or are simply religious, hence busy on these days with family/religious commitment.
- Girl with a Samsung flagship or any other flagship phone. Are Approachable with give a gfe if you pay her well
- Non flagship phone holders, quite friendly and give you a seriously good vfm in small ticket cash Transactions. Have lot of family members depending upon her ... spends money sensibility ... and values time and money of general patrons.
There will be many exceptions to above observations.
In late 90's and early 2000's, the indicator was fatness of gold chain around a girls neck