My view is quite simple Bhai.. why go looking for a princess here? Princess is at home, where you go end of the night. As someone who visits irregularly, I cannot have the luxury of finding a princess and hoping to retain for foresee able future, for the simple reason that time is against me.
Most importantly, my monkey is another one's princess and vice versa.
You are aware of the Mayur girl episode, who with utmost confidence believes that i will fly down for her birthday !! I definitely did not give her Kohinoor, but maybe more than what she normally gets, and that made her to assume herself as queen elizabeth, which is what I believe MP mentioned. Your point is, I chose an monkey expecting her to become princess. Nope.. I wanted that monkey to be available , whenever I visit, as i felt that monkey is better behaved compared to other ones !!
As always, i know i am not making any sense, but what i am trying to say is, I give the crown (more like extra peanuts in my case !!) not because I found a princess, but for the monkey to remember me next time I visit. If the monkey thinks that i have chosen her as my princess, definitely not my fault.
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