Known Reviewer
Bhai, here also it's the same. That's why I don't respond to their wa and then calls and they keep calling and then I gotta block them.I am not the talkative types but I often wonder what u or anyone else would talk with these girls, its not like sexting is a turn on (or I dunno if it is for someone).
For me its usually khel khatam (for me) paisa hajam (for them), wam bam thank you mam.
Its not like they are ur GFs, not sure if DB girls are after this pretext, so they can mooch off guys for more, but I just prefer to disconnect from that side completely once my session is over and I am back to normal life.
There are plenty of reasons why life fucks us over, why add to that list LOL.
The only exception was my previous fav with whom I used to speak whenever I used to be in stress. But she would never call on her own as she always insisted to keep OB life out of normal life.
When we were outside we could speak on matters from music....Hindi movies like GET OUT or THE JOCKER or Netflix K Drama series.
So I don't wa or call them once wham bam is over.