Known Reviewer
Boss, my mistake. It was Crazy Star only. Visited that place after a long time.After a long time I visited RM and star night. Many new faces at RM. As usual rajasthanis. RM still uses the 20 rupees currency. SN has evolved its own star night currency.
Star night is as usual. Steward, girls, arvind have made syndicate to loot customers. The way people used to throw money, I feel Sometimes pity for the value got.
By the way Where is this crazy night?
I know crazy boys and crazy star..
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SN and Belapur OBs have been using their bar name printed 20 denomination notes since 31st December.
At SN, note showers is high on Ridhima followed by Nikki and Anjali and my regular too. Newer guests keep coming and shower good amount on them although cash shower has gone down commensurate with market downfall. There is fixed clientele of Sunayna too.
These gals are usually called b@$t@$s which shows difficulty of taking these gals out even after spending large sums. Some guests have personally told that outside the bar during closure time.
More and more OB gals are migrating to DBs. At least in DBs cash shower is more democratic among gals. In OBs, shower is concentrated among fewer girls. OB gals are finding it extremely difficult due to instant gratification pull of DBs and hybrid DBs.
But the anticipation of taking out OB gals keep on bringing folks to OBs although in lesser nos. However, once one get close with OB gals and get to make out with them especially the educated ones, - the ones who don't put out regular Insta reels of themselves in Mandir or restaurants or costly buys or cars-, not the usual Rajasthani, MP or UP gals, it's very difficult to get out and spend time with DB ones.
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