Found a new place yesterday named Sunita at turbhe . Take right turn before sangeet. Ahead of canara bank ATM. just entered and found full no seat available. Gave it a pass. Anyone visitef it earlier? Can anyone help with quality and service.
Y'day very perplexed on which bar to choose. Went half way towards Jayesh but came back and went for Sunil. On the way saw meghraj and angrezi pub, passed to sunil. Went inside and came out in 2 min as girls are below par even for SB standard.
Went ahead for Neelam. Hardly 4-5 girls only one was very sexy little plump. But i like places full of girls atleast 20 odd so gave this a pass.
Went to my seasoned place Vikas at turbhe. Nice bong beauties and faces. One girl who recognize me directly came and pressed my johny hard and smiled. I ignored but she kept pressing it so frequently that i had to hold her both hands away to refrain her from doing in public. Then as usual girls and ladies wanted to sit and started pressing each others boobs to draw attehtion. Two girls gyrating together very sensously and slowly passing hands over boobs and hips. Very erotic. So finally I stood up. Decided that these girls really need some fun. So stood up and started gyrating with two girls pressed there back tight on my chest and butt rubbing the johny hard. We all 3 kept gyrating till i found some pretty faces around. started pressing all girls boobs which ever around . It was real fun pressing boobs for free of different sizes and shapes. I pressed one so hard that her pads got dislodged and popped out . She ran inside to bring it back to shape. When she came back we both laughed but post that she maintained distance from me. I continued my act and eventually All girls ran inside to save themselves when i was on rampage. Finaly the crowd around me all ran away to escape and i was now comfortable, no one to request for sitting. By the way the bar time has extended till 11pm now. Great news for all who want late parties. Not all bar though. Vikas is till 11. Anyway day ended at 10.30 after pressing 12 boobs for fun and resist all sitting requests came towards me. I like soft erotic fun rather hitting the nail. Girls does not look bad here. 5 to 7 scale. Mostly bong beauties. Good but not so great day. Will try jayesh soon. It has been a while to venture in thane. I was regular in Amprapali in its hay day but now it sucks.
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So pockets kitna phata ....