Simple solution book and Ola or Uber to drop the girl off..Y stinge and take a rickshaw..No one will dare to check it not stop u...
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however if i were to take a girl from SB or DB, i wud do the following :
1. wud ask the girl to handover me her phone for a collateral of 500 rs.
2. go in separate autos to the hotel, with the bar guy in my auto.
3. book room with a separate annexe...most lodges have them...its more expensive than a standard room but at least it saves your ass.
4. after the deed, return the phone to girl. she gets to keep the 500 rs. as tips + return transport.
These things sound good when you can think clearly, but practically impossible. There may be issues like no network inside the bar to book OLA or delay in OLA arriving. Also getting 2 autos and bar guy to come with you may not be possible always. And when you do this extra precautions, won't it be giving indications to the waiters and girls that you are scared. More chances of one of them alerting LE guys if you suspect insider job.
When you take a bar girl for entry, most of the time you are drunk or high, the girl also may be, you get attracted by the girl and you are not thinking clearly. Your 'little brother' does the thinking, and he is stupid - he doesn't know logic and common sense, he knows only one emotion.
What's the best thing to do then? Like many of the seniors have suggested, make friends with coatwalas, give them good tips happily. Take the girl through them. Use their autos and lodge, chances of any such bad incidents is reduced (may not be 100%). Go always with a girl you know or through a coatwala you know, never with a new girl and a new coatwala (at least one of them should be known to you). That's the best we can do.
Accept that such things happen. In a mongering life of 10-20 years, 1 or 2 such incidents may be unavoidable. Agreed, it is a bad situation and we should avoid as much as possible, but if it happens, it happens. It may be a good story to tell your grandchildren, 30-40 years down the line. Something like:
You: Beta, when your grandpa was young, he was a hero in mongering. I want to tell you about an incident with police. Grandpa picked up a girl from Kishor bar. In 2018. Or was it 2017. I think it's 2018, no 2017. Or was it 2016. mmmm
Grandson: Does it matter, which year it was?

You: Yeah, it doesn't matter. Let me tell you about Kishor. That was the best SB in whole of India. People use to come from all parts, far away to enjoy. It used to get crowded by 3pm itself. But your grandpa was regular there and was a Frequent Flier, so used to get the best table anytime I went.
Grandson: Grandpa, the police incident...
You: Oh yeah. Did I tell you about the girl? She was the best in the bar line, not only Kishor, but best in all the bars in Mumbai area. She got some Miss. SB award also. 2 times or was it 3 times. I think 2.
Grandson: Grandpa, are you going to tell the story or not?

You: blah blah blah...