Well-Known Member
Yesterday me and my friend both visited first kish@re around 4pm, we both had one quater whisky, my friend was wondering for a full service with hj over there but most of the girls ignored to provide full service, finally I selected a girl name p!nk¥ and made her to sit with me, she is good in shape, had cit chat with her and pressed her boobs for few times (from outside) finally after an hour me and my friend left from there.
Girl 500
Drink 550
Tips to waiter = 150.
We both took a rickshaw and reached m@¥ur by 6:30 pm and entered in to service bar section, the place was dark and very neat & the air conditioning was good, we both ordered a wisky, one girl was sitting by right side table with one customer, she was looking good from far, I just waited for her then she passed away nearby our table, my friend immediately holded her hands and asked her to sit with me, her name is sh!v@n€ she was not looking that much good as I assumed, I asked her tho call any of her friend (girl) for my friend , so she called one of her friend m€h@k, she was very shy type, she sat with my friend. Finally me and my friend started the deeds, both girls were not ready for hj and dfk, they just gave access only to press boobs (no inside access), finally my friend mannaged to have dfk with his partner.
Drink 620
Girls 500 + 500 =1000
Tips to waiter = 180
Finally left mayur around 7:30 and headed towards sneha to have a full service, me & my friend reached over their around 7:50pm. We both occupied a table sitting face to face and ordered a wiskey, we both got surrounded by no. Of girls and womens, finally my friend selected her partner name m€€n@ and me selected a girl name $@n@l€, she was from kokatta & she she dont know to speak hindi properly but she was able to understand some what, she was little slim and was in green coloured saree, she gave nice unlimited lip lock kisses with smiling face, and started giving nice hj, she handled my jonny with care and finally after 20 mins my jonny tapped out.thereafrter she left my table with beautiful smile on her face .I just waited for my friend for 10 more minutes, he also finished his job and we both left the place happily
Drink 600
Girls 500 + 600 = 1100
Tips to waiter = 300.
Location for sneha & Mayur please ?