PreScript: My apologies for creating confusion in my last post. I meant to refer to Saigeet (near Love bar) and not Sangeet.
Mongering pe charcha
In my last visit to Rasna a few days back, I saw two grey haired Sikh gentlemen enjoying their drinks. It was hard to tell their age - 60s maybe even 70 something. It was early in the day and not fashionable for the girls to be on the floor yet. The two men were drinking with two mid-aged aunties in their arms. Then walks in the cougar. She was wearing a glittering short dress which was in a sharp contrast to her wearisome face. An old wine in a brand new bottle. She immediately caught eyes of our uncles. One of the two called her over, spoke to her and requested a song to be played. I sat back facing them in anticipation of the ensuing show. As soon as the music started playing, a smile forced its way on my lips and my eyes met that of another MILF in the room who too couldn't help smiling. It's one of those moments when the same thought comes to your mind as another person and you acknowledge it without ever saying a word. The old guy got up from his seat and did a great imitation of Devanand style moves on a Sammi Kapoor song - badan pe sitare lapete hue... It was an endearing sight. I have to give the cougar two cookie points; one for her sexy legs and the other one for the moves that hinted she's seen better days in her youth.
Later that day the two old men could do little more than wistfully looking at the young chicks who all refused to go near them.
A couple of more guys walked in... aaple marathi manus. Locals who looked like they are either politically connected or LE connected. The MILF who had left the room some time ago came back and before going to the new guys she whispered to me. "I told him that I've gone to my home town but now he's here to check on me. He caught my lie, I don't know what to do". As I observed the two guys I started relating with the MILF and understanding why she had to lie to him hoping that he won't come. They surrounded themselves with girls, treating them like trash. I first thought that maybe it's a show of power of money but dancing on a song that had some lyrics like, "give me 100 rupee" the guy took out his wallet to give the 100 bucks to the girl and his wallet seemed empty. I wondered why girls are putting up with him when he doesn't even have money. The MILF danced on a song too, ironically, the song was "Kitne bhi tou karle sitam, has has ke sahen ge hum". She tried to pull in another girl in between trying to escape for a while, but the man forced her to keep dancing. Well! The girls have their own hazards of profession.
Just like this one time at Rasna, there are stories that I can tell from almost every visit to the bars. This is one of the big reasons I go there. For the untold stories - for the experience. For that matter, I like to find these stories everywhere. Like in a coffee shop I might see a buch of college guys all trying to flirt with one hottie in the group, who's too busy advertising her "swag" while the plain jain hope to get some attention too. Or I might spot a couple where the girl is literally shouting with her body language that she wants the guy and wants him bad but oblivious to all the hints the dude continues playing the good-guy card hoping to get lucky (he most likely never will). And then there was this one time I heard a young boy talking on phone about some hotness from his class (that he was clearly infatuated with) and her recent break up. He said, "Aise pataane ko tou main bhi bahut ladki pataa sakta hoon par main karta nahi. Kyunki baad mein jab humara break up hoga tou usse bahut bura lagega na" - simply delightful.
Yes, I like to spy on people and I only hope that when uncle sam meets MK, Anglo, Bond & iliketomonger I can secretly follow them to make a note of their adventures.
On another note, Sam may have advised PC not to fall in love with Komal and PC acknowledged that he's no fool to fall. I, on the other hand, am proud to say that I love my DB girls. I love them with all my heart every time I'm there with them. You see, I don't have daasis; I have gopis... dozens of gopis and a few Radhas thrown in here and there. That's just my style. To each their own.
Bro DH
You are one of the Gems of this Froum
You should put FRs more frequently
I love to read them
No ,
I am not going today with the Gangs of Mongering as I am stuck at some place
And yes
I also like to secretly or rather silently observe and do guess work if the fellow monger is from forum or not
Yesterday I was in Rasna and Saigeet for usual visit to Dassis
I guess some of the fellow mongers were there
Let's see one day I will catch you Dh
Good to See you back on forum
Forum has some great people on it
Mark and Angelo ..full of energy
Ever Romantic and dreamy ..PC
( I really appreciate that you do daily morning run bro
I just can't get up only early in morning )
Cheerful Bond ..(he is James Bond and hence always out of the country on mission and hense his time in India is limited ...but he is always present on the Forum )
The All knowledgeable and King...MK
( he knows all the DBs and all the Db gals and all the Db owners and all the things of ALL that you want to know
And good part is that he shares it with all without much Expectation)
Intelligent ..DH ( very good writer
His FRs are great to Read
I never expected you to be Lover boy ..honestly )
Analytical and talent spotter ... Bakka ( where is he now a days ? ..come out of hibernation bro )
Pk and Raj ..have disappeared for the time being I guess
Keep rocking bros
Have a great weekend
From Old or may be not so Old
Uncle Sam