I need help and I am extremely sorry for such a short notice.
I am coming to Mumbai tomorrow afternoon. I wanted to visit some place where the girls are around 8 out of 10
Charges wise I am fine but I dont want to get disappointed this time. I had visited ar
Thanks. Appreciate all the help you guys are providing
I need help and I am extremely sorry for such a short notice.
I am coming to Mumbai tomorrow afternoon. I wanted to visit some place where the girls are around 8 out of 10. Charges wise I am fine but I dont want to get disappointed this time.
Thanks. Appreciate all the help you guys are providing
You have a convincing language hence would like to put forward some thoughts which would help you....mind got two replies from the one and only UncleBaba within 12 hours
"Einstein's theory of special relativity says that time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast you move relative to something else.
Approaching the speed of light, a person inside a spaceship would age much slower than his twin at home. Also, under Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity can bend time."
Now Who quotes Einstein theory in DB Forum?
To make it simple... Each person in Mumbai lives on EMI and that is the nerve you have to catch..
Each DB girl/coatwala/Bar Mgr are in the clutches of this EMI cycle and this system is desperately looking for a feeder who pays a regular have to impersonate the Feeder (a Generous and Regular) hence you will see people quoting the theory of "Regular visits will make you Crack the Code" comes into picture
Application of theory:
Assumptions for successful formula application.
TIME: Contant (Limited)
MONEY: Variable (unlimited)
Now that you have limited time and you have to create an illusion of a seasoned monger who is a Feeder, you have to create a Matrix of Time travellers to fit in the existing system.
Select an area with 4-5 high end DB at walking distance ( possibly Belapur). Shortlist the entry friendly bars as suggested in previous FR.
Visit each for 20-30 mins...
As soon as you enter the coatwalas will hover around you some will even grab you by sleaves, keep cool... search for toilet or ask for help to locate one... This gives yours Senses time to acclimatize
Now once you are out of toilet,again the coatwala will grab you.. Dont choose the one who hits you first chose the second of third guy...the first guy will hit you again in some time don't worry too much about him now, tip him in Round2. This guy is your ManFriday, he is desperate to meet his EMI due date
Order something to drink, keep low on alcohol avoid if possible, you have a different agenda.
Order for change of a decent amount which could be spent on 4-5 gals. You can pay right out of pocket but remember you are creating an impression of Feeder. This way you feed the Owners. Don't bother about the hotel cuts and discounting... pay some amount to the coatwala in multiples of hundreds.. ask some silly questions to 2-3 coatwalas like "Bar Kab Tak Open hai" "Dance kaun accha Karti hai"... Pay for answering question, let the coatwalas think he has earned the money... And they remember your face, your further questions will be answered promptly...beyond the call of duty.
Ask different coatwalas to make some 5-6 hot chicks to dance and pay coatwalas 100 each.. give the change to coatwalas and tell him to RAIN SHOWER the change bills on the gals...
RESULT? You grab attention of All Gals in the Bar.
Time to Exit bar no 1... Coat wala will stop you.. tell dost ko milke ata hu.. take cell no of coatwala if possible.
Go to the next 3-4 bars and repeat same action.
Now eliminate the bars you didn't like and repeat same action in the shortlisted 2-3 bars where you think you have got a chance to crack the deal,
Round 2
Reduce the no. of gals (don't single down to 1) also and spend more money on gals, stop showering change notes (unless you are enjoying the dance) and pay out in multiples of 500...Note the names of gals you like.. Keep tipping to a few coat walas for answering silly questions ( in 100s denom) also ask Entry Ka kya setting hai..ENTRY being the operating verb.
Remember 30 mins per bar ... Mandatorily collect cell numbers of as many coatwala as possible if not done in first round
Round 3 (Knockout)
After you finish visiting last bar of round 2 .. Start Calling coatwala from outside and ask Entry milega kya... And start negotiating on price and duration, even though you have enough money don't give an easy bite feel to coatwala.. finally say choice me se girl pasand ayi to hi jaunga,
If u get ok from all guys go to the one with chicks of your liking..
Enter the bar. ask coat wala kaun available hai.. if he gives some shit gyan (aaj section tight hai) straight away exit. Another coatwala will come to help if you have befriended a few by paying tips in earlier visit. Demand same thing or else exit.
Repeat the same in next bar. Keep the bars open till 3pm for the last visit. you would know timetable through silly questions in Round1 .. Manage time
Remember don't you use abusive words or force methods if all fails .. these contacts will help you in future visits, this industry has an elephant memory and they remember the Extremes of Goods and Bad guys for a long long time.
Phew..That's it....can't think of anything more.
Wish you luck