Still the definition/attributes of "best girls" is unknown, in fact it lies in the eyes of the observer...
still not able to comprehend yet what is a "best girl"...
I go to DBs mainly for
1. Watching/ ogling the beautiful girls (all occasions)
2. Watching dance (all occasions)
3. Enjoying music and self-dance (all occasions)
4. Flirting with the girls (almost all occasions)
5. Fondling (varied occasions)
Chit chat (all occasions)
6. Taking the girl for a night out (varied occasions)
Befriending with coatwalas, music boy, orchestra managers, girls-cab-driver are also a part, but treated as secondary...
So if your assessment of "best Gals" is besed on the above following are my thinking
1. - average to good beauty... Few very good are there, but they visit intermittently
2. Good dancers, try Tammu, priti, manisha, heena... What I hv seen Who are beautiful don't hv dancing skills... And those who dance are not that beautiful...
3. Very good disco, you can order your own taste of song
4. Flirting and chit chats are perenial
5. Very light... Can be more inside VIP or if the girl permits
6. Almost all girls in DB go for entry... You hv to negotiate... Nearby hotel at backside of DB. Many beautiful girls are there who only go for entry, they don't dance... You hv to pick
Almost all DBs in happy street have similar rating... Except nightingale (it is an evergreen fully loaded Fuck factory. One can land there during bar time with a 200 % of assurance to get an sure shot entry... No ipl has any effect on the quality and quantity)
Hope the above will help you in getting the "best Gals"... I would suggest you to go there and have few visits to know it better...
Many times it happens with us,
We go to some DB and doesn't find it as per our expectations (may be becoz of a bad day only)
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