It was a pleasure reading Sam dearest post on the 5 star chai pe charcha n red coat kaka feeds
I have spent around 80 percent of my mongering time and money just to strike relationships with bar girls coatwalas alike since my first visit into this fantastic world of vice n spice and garam kheer happy endings.
I love the aura of this zone. The tease the nakhra of girls. I never till date stepped into a bar with a fixed agenda and this makes me enjoy it even more. I have tipped girls grade 2 more than grade 1 ( unless i bring them down to grage 2 level )
I love to mindfuck them more than on bed ( thats a easy task and is on the menu anyways at a cost). To make them really wet and horny for you is a better deal in bed. (Am sure many guys have used KY jelly or natural saliva to get them moist before they thump). A wet starving daasi pussy is done thru has a small role i.e. break the ice and to make her know she is not dealing with a bhikari
And so i may not have banged many but quality over quantity is what i look for. Its my own personal thing.
The feeling of being picked up by the girl rather than picking her up is the ultimate win!
I guess thats the reason why most here hunt in these joints on a regular basis.
Men will be Men and yes we are emotional as emotional as any girl at home or in dance bar.
Respet the work they do. Including coatwala and the doorman outside.
Pay the price ( basis the income u earn)
Mindfuck!! ( Sex is not between there legs)
Keep these joints buzzing and the nuts full to offload!