FR on Disco BAR in Bangalore
Again, there was one poston this three weeks from Angelo (and me too).
Surperising, DBs still have LE issues (partially resolved in three weeks, still not fully functional), the Discotheque is going on as usual with loud music, entry and girls.
One difference: Bangalore DBs are open till 1 pm.
Discotheques are anyway open till 1 pm.
I am still figuring out how they work. There is showering of money in discotheque. The girls want to drink and order something for them including food. The will keep on moving from one patron to other usually asking for bohini. So though the girls are lookers and wesrern outfits, we need to cintrol our pockets. They look for advance bohoni and won't stay with us for long, especially if there is crowd like in the late hours viz. After 10 pm.
Sometime i feel it is like SB or a hybrid bar. However, there is no system of entry from bar. That we can discuss with girl directly.
One diffrence between discotheque and DB is discotheque has entry typically 1.2k for 3 drinks and no compulsory tipping for waiters as in DB.
However, having seen this our Navi Mumbai DBs and SBs are much better for enjoyment.
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