Uncle, I also like to be a stranger only in Rasna. I am a regular in Rasna and recognize people from their FR, observing them in Rasna and most importantly from girls.
I have seen you several times in Rasna and can easily recognize you but I will not be interested in meeting you for various reasons. On a lighter note, uncle if you catch me in Rasna bill is on me whenever we meet coincidentally.
Here is my observation about mongers...
Anglo, the great dancer not a regular but popular among the girls.
MK, commands fear more than respect in Rasna. The girls and waiters speak ill behind your back. Mostly because he saves the mongers from digging their graveyard. Bro, it is a brutal truth and hope you will agree. Most popular and a legend in the forum. Capable of sidelining any girl in Rasna.
Bakka, most aggressive monger. Wondering how I figured you?
PC, man who drinks Rum. Can make the girls face red with his moves and power lifting.
Mongering1984, person with a smile always. A highly excited person who enjoys dance.
Ritesh, a unique guy who celebrated birthday for the girls. Got it confirmed from himself and not the girl as she refused to tell your name.
Mark, innocent guy who is taken for granted by the girls. If a girl gets more in the bar sitting with you why she will prefer to sleep with you. Stop Rasna and start afresh somewhere else. Any girl in Rasna is going to take you for a ride as all girls know you well.
Uncle Sam, man popular for money. Not all succumb to his boni in choli. Equally infamous for his unique style.
NM or Mumbai monger but go with a guess. Mumbai monger is a guy who is with spects from the FR and Sonali. NM dances with her sister or Manisha
Iliketomonger, some positives and more negatives. the most sensible, balanced, weekend monger about who I collect details. Highly respected in Rasna by all girls, waiters, DJ and doormen. Can take any girl he thinks. Like to take these girls to exotic location and try to live his fantasies. Lonavala is the only FR but bro what about the FR with other two girls. I know the girls, forum members are struggling to take them out, who you have taken to the farm house and exotic resorts. Met you in bluestar as the seductive dancer was talking about you a lot and wanted to check. Bro, few accusations, the seductive dancer compares with the lavish style you treat girls. Expectations have increased and she is no more accompanying me. Desperately looking for other options. Honestly, I hate you for this. I know why girls go only with you. I don't have the money power and the tactics to keep the girl happy. Accuse you for increasing the rates of Rasna girls. Also, selfish to not write FRs where others can benefit. Please write FRs about your escapades on girls from Rasna and other bars. Guys, observe him when alone. Money power used judiciously, other players to learn especially Mark. I'm sorry but could not control myself.
Jacky, Nishant, demashash and few others to recognize.
Finally, Uncle Sam please stop your hide and seek game. iliketomonger, please do not increase the expectations of Rasna girls and make the elite girls available for all and to our affordability.
End of my post and bottle. Sorry if I hurt anyone. From my heart!
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