Another couple of nights of good time in Navi Mumbai SB/DB. Thanks MK. While I was in these bars and now reading the reports in regular raids/ checks in these bars, wanted to write something I had in mind.
Nothing useful in terms of new bars, girls, service, rate etc. So you can actually skip the post. Or read when you have nothing else to do, like when taking a crap!!
While law guys are enforcing many restrictions to bury this business I feel the owners are also providing the tools to dig the grave! In any customer facing business, the motto customer is king maybe true, but when it comes to these SBs/ DBs this motto fails spectacularly. The singular objective of milking the customer for every rupee is I feel definitely robbing them of regular patrons. In indian context due to sheer volume of customers, losing some is not a big deal for the owner, but there should be some attitudinal change. I know I am wishing for the impossible, but hey, dreams are free!!
When businesses are in downturn, they sometime employ external consultancy (who by the way repeat what you said in a fancy presentation

). I think it is time for MK, Unclesam, NM, Anglo and other seniors to start a no profit consultancy business to advice the bar owners!
Here are few thoughts:
1) Basic infrastructure: why do the bathrooms in SBs mainly (and some DBs) and Kishore in particular so bad? Come on, guys come to bars to drink and therefore got to pee! It's common sense to keep the place bright and tidy.. but this one thing seems to be of ignored by most bar owners. In Kishore I saw one girl in expensive looking lehenga entering the bathroom with the floor quite wet and dirty. If not for the alcohol, I think most of us will get some kind of bacterial infection! You may all remember a joke: a father wanted to explain the perils of alcohol to his son. So he took two glasses, one filled with water and other with whisky. He put a worm know each and showed to his son that the worm in alcohol has died. He asked his son, what do you understand by that? The son said, if you want to kill the worms in your stomach, you need to drink alcohol

. I think it is not a joke but maybe true looking at the condition of these bathrooms!! So guys, if you are going to these places to drink Redbull, Coca-Cola ( once I saw a guy having hot tea!), is time to switch to the elixir of health!!
2) Remuneration: One of the common complaints of us mongers (I am using the term 'us' and trying to sneak in !!) is the unbound greediness of the coat guys and servers. MK mentioned that they don't get salary and live of tips and that's why they pester you. I also strongly suspect they take a cut or force the girls to give some money. Again, this is something that puts off many punters. Would it not be a simple solution for the bars to charge a service fee along with the bill? Say 5 percent. I know most of these bars don't give proper bills to avoid tax and other stuff, but to the same piece of paper adding a fee and stopping the guys asking for tips.. this will also be in sync with the value of the bill. I am sure a monger who pays 650 for a beer wouldn't mind paying another 35 if that stops the coatwalas not bothering and letting us enjoy (again using the term 'us' !!) what we went there for. To see girls dance and for some, to dance with them!!
I know this may not work as it is against the human nature of seeking favouritism by tipping more or asking for tips when possible, but do believe this will bring in some welcome change!!
3) Bar design - Uncle Sam has written many about this and it would be great to see some of them implemented. Particularly the seats. Yes, I am in my late forties and need some comfortable seats!! And then segregating the bars into section that plays different kind of music. How good that will be you can go into various rooms depending on your mood!! again, day's free!!
I know none of the above makes sense, but imagine a bar with these changes.. just like airlines , hotels and shops these bars will start getting loyal customers..
For those who read patiently, one FR type info!! Any guys from kerala in their 40s and have fond memories of actress Sheela from late 70s , early 80s , there is a lookalike called Reshma in Sangeet bar in Turbhe.. if you are interested please check and let me know if what I saw is not a drunken mistake!! A warning though. Wherever you touch her, you will get a handful of blubber.. quite a chunky one! Another warning, I suspect she has camel like jump in her big belly.. the reason is, she finished 3 beers in 30 minutes. Maybe not an achievement , but she did not go for pee even once so if it is not going to the bladder, must be some hidden tank inside!!
One final rambling.. I usually travel to Mumbai by air India and don't really give second look at the milf hostesses ( did I say milf?, Sorry it should just be M as I definitely don't want to fuck those mother's or should I say Grand mother's ) . This time had a chance to fly with Jet and Vistara and was looking forward to see some eye candies.. what the hell happened to air hostessing? For one, the is slightly less than wearing a burka.. I could only see their face, palm and feet.. for another, there were more male host than female.. call me sexist, pervert, misogynist whatever.. this is one job where there should be no equality! For this reason alone we should bring mallya back and get kingfisher airlines started. Those red skirts alone are worth travelling with them!!
That's me finishing my ramble.. until next time, happy mongering
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