Kya likha hai Sambro, PC bhai and MK brother....
nothing more needed to say....
Mongering ha its perks and consequences...... and one can get it schooled and learned from many seniors here or out ...
but to really understand one has to experience to know all the truth, pro and cons of it.....
Mongering is an art, fun, tempting, risky, pleasurable, etc......
One Should just be clear on what they want and what are the consequence of the actions performed towards getting it.... and if one is ready to face the consequence than they can/should take the actions towards the same.
As said by famous Jack Ma.... (about being focused, but can be surely interpreted in every aspect of our life)
What do you have..??
What do you Want..???
what will you give up..???
Be honest to yourself every time for this answers... and you will never have to worry about a lot.... cos once you get answers to this questions all you willl need to figure out how to manage the time and expense......
Mongering takes our time and money so be kind and wise in spending both specially time..... cos money can be earned but time nope......
So be it may for one gal or friends or many girls in different bars.... or just bar hopping or eye candying the chicks or whatever reason one does mongering make sure you are enjoying it and not feeling guilty about wasting time or money..... obvs there will be occasions where it will be lost but try to learn from the mistakes rather repeating them... and be more smart the next time.....
raise on lighter note Starnight is getting more good girls.... seniors check them out....
Last whole week was like one Rasna marathon..... different gals and dances.. may be this week again and then shift the base...... Starnight and nightangle calling.....
nothing more needed to say....
Mongering ha its perks and consequences...... and one can get it schooled and learned from many seniors here or out ...
but to really understand one has to experience to know all the truth, pro and cons of it.....
Mongering is an art, fun, tempting, risky, pleasurable, etc......
One Should just be clear on what they want and what are the consequence of the actions performed towards getting it.... and if one is ready to face the consequence than they can/should take the actions towards the same.
As said by famous Jack Ma.... (about being focused, but can be surely interpreted in every aspect of our life)
What do you have..??
What do you Want..???
what will you give up..???
Be honest to yourself every time for this answers... and you will never have to worry about a lot.... cos once you get answers to this questions all you willl need to figure out how to manage the time and expense......
Mongering takes our time and money so be kind and wise in spending both specially time..... cos money can be earned but time nope......
So be it may for one gal or friends or many girls in different bars.... or just bar hopping or eye candying the chicks or whatever reason one does mongering make sure you are enjoying it and not feeling guilty about wasting time or money..... obvs there will be occasions where it will be lost but try to learn from the mistakes rather repeating them... and be more smart the next time.....
raise on lighter note Starnight is getting more good girls.... seniors check them out....
Last whole week was like one Rasna marathon..... different gals and dances.. may be this week again and then shift the base...... Starnight and nightangle calling.....