We all know whats the truth....
Stop playing games
As explained in my previous posts, only Uncle Sam and Shivamrut idiots in this thread have typed “does” as “dose”. Search for “dose” and you will know.
Only Uncle Sam and Shivamrut have used “chess” in their posts as a metaphor. Presence of it in others posts are due to responses to their post.
Search for word “chess” and you will know.
This thread has almost 800 pages. Several hundred users. Per page, there’s multiple posts. In total, several thousand posts.
But but but,
Only 2 morons have something “specific” in common?
Come on, let’s take this as a coincidence and be an idiot? What do you say?
We all should question this coincidence instead of believing these morons who say they have met the chutiya Uncle Sam.
If he doesn’t have respect for the creator of this thread, then nothing is going to help.
He wants the forum to die because he is not going to get the same respect if he comes from UncleSam ID.
Put FR’s, do your best to save the forum or let the forum die.
I don’t see any point in requesting him now given he doesn’t respect the one who started this thread.
Anyways, what do you expect from him if you believe he’s the chutiya Uncle Sam?
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