Another fun'fill'ed mongering evening that 'generate'd lot of happiness..
First stop Mayur. Visiting after more than a year. Nothing much has changed to write about.. Maybe some new faces but everything else, including rubbish songs, familiar black coats, corner gropings, uncles like me eyeing every passing girl/ woman/ milf, pestering Watchman, girls taking side entrance to get into auto etc., etc. remained the same.
One interesting event though. It seems all the girls are called into daily meeting and briefed on... Anyone working in agile methodology can relate this to the daily scrum standup with scrum master aka coat wala (like any PM does nothing but considered important !!) asking scrum team aka girls (come to think of it, some girls do develop your Johnny, some test their functioning, some other help you on product 'release'! , so these girls can definitely be a scrum team!) on daily tasks and prioritize what to be done for that day!!
While mine and MKs product remained in backlog, Appa found a corner seat and probably had his task taken up to release!
Next stop Kishore. Again, nothing to write about except that this place always perks up your mood. You can always find a girl who can cheer you up for very little in return. Yes, by looks they maybe 3/10, 4/10,5/10 and can never match OB, but that's exactly the point. Both caters to specific set of needs and requirements and I find it baffling when they are compared as it is like comparing apples and oranges.. Both provide a set of vitamins and depending on Vitamin M(money that is) in your pocket, some has only apples, some only oranges and most take both!! So for the sake of your body health and general health of this forum , let us have a balanced diet that vitamin M can support us!
Next stop Rasna. Sorry, again nothing to write about other than stating the usual.. smoke filled outer room, claustrophobic inner room, some 6/10 girls, many 5/10 girls, invariably all girls with attitude irrespective of their quality!, more than one black coat for same table! etc.etc.
If it is worth mentioning, can think of one.. for first time asked a girl to fuck off !! Not the literal fuck, but middle finger fuck!! MK suggested a girl and body wise she is perfect fit of how I like them!! MK does know what I look for !! But from the moment she sat she kept on and on about money and how she is doing a favour by sitting inside because someone asked her to.. got irritated and after consulting with Appa, paid her some and let her go.. she was apologetic after that, but still asked her to leave. My first time! Then had some good time with pinky, made her dance for few songs and tried to dance for one song (another interesting, atleast for me! event) for which Appa threw money on me

.. so anyone in Rasna inner room last night wondering why a young girl trying to help an old man from falling down, that was me trying to dance..
Kicked out by 10 and went for an excellent konkani meal near happy street. We three then went to Icon around 11.
What to say, bit disappointed.. I only had one prior visit in July and had some good memories of that. This time, not so good. There were few eye candies and even fewer patrons..Two girls were of my liking and I was desperate to throw some money, but alas, both couldn't dance..WTF moment..Considering the size of the dance hall, this place has huge potential but I think it will go down nightingale/ cabana way if they don't get some good dancing girls.. The amount thrown during our short stay was also very less compared to any similar OB.
Next stop, Heaven6. Now, there is a lot to write about! Indeed, this place is closer to heaven, atleast what I imagine heaven to be.. i.e., a place where forever young nubile nymphs like rambha, urvashi, menaka etc.. wearing flowing floral dreseses, floating in a misty white environment, making seductive dance moves etc. etc!!
By the way, based on the above, please don't suspect that I am an investor (direct or shadow) of any kind for this joint. But I do sincerely wish to be one just to ogle at these girls!!!! So any NRIs or wealthy ones want to make an investment but for tax purposes need a shadow ( not shady, but shadow !!) character , just PM me.. I will be more than happy to be a front for your investment!!!
To prove that I am a novice to OBs the below incident will help. After getting into heaven6, (getting in itself was interesting as we were greeted by a dwarf or should I use politically correct language of vertically challenged?) and once seated and started having our beers, I noticed a cute one making eye contact and doing some sign language with aa. Anyone who has seen aa will know that he looks like a college dropout( no offence son! don't want to call you Bhai or Bro.. considering you must be half my age, it will be a joke if I call you Bhai, so let me stick with son!!) and I thought probably he needs some like a professional I called that girl, gave her 500 and asked her to intro herself to aa. She was quite amused and walked away smiling at aa. aa told me he knows her.. by that time I was quite drunk, probably on my 7th or 8th beer of the night, so did not realise what he was saying. I just gave a reassuring look to aa and said don't worry I will take care.. By the time we finished I realised that not only aa knows her, but probably most of the girls, black coats, white coats, singers, DJ, valet, security, all of the management and for fuck sake, even the midget!! I am sure this will prove my OB virginity!
By the way, the guy who coined the term looks are deceptive, must have done that after seeing aa!
While aa was busy with his cute one, Appa and me were making few of them to dance.. I am very poor with names , so let me stick with what I could remember... Red dress girl, blue dress girl, black dress girl!! Sorry, that's all I could remember !! The key thing was , whether they are able to or not, all of the girls we asked agreed to dance, unlike Icon.. Most of them I would rate 8 and above.. Drunkenness might have added a few points but I am sure I will rate them the same even when I am sober!
Only complaint is on the songs played. The bar choice of songs are atrocious.. given that for any good song, patrons were throwing thousands, I don't know why by default the bar is not playing dance songs continously.. I am sure more money will be throw this way. Maybe it is psychology.. the bar, by asking you to choose your song, is making you think and feel important by showing you that they are playing song of your choice!! Maybe!!
I don't want to mention how much money we threw and all and start another set of unwanted posts around it..
Could we have made 10-15 trips to SBs with that money? - Yes
Could we have had 4-5 shots with good indie with that money? - Yes
Were you able to grope/ kiss/ squeeze/ boni in choli etc with these ob girls? - No
Do you consider it as paisa vassool? - No
Then why the hell did you go there?
For this, I would like to quote something that George Mallory, the first white guy who attempted to climb Mount Everest told a reporter when he was asked this: "Mr Mallory, what is the point in climbing Everest? Why do you want to do it?"
Mallory said, "Because it is there"
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