Part 01
Statutory warning
FR Value: 3/10 (there will be mention of girls and scores for them)
FR usefulness 2/10 (nothing new, but tidbits that maybe useful)
Target audience: SB patrons (and as always, interested investors!)
Hello brothers, sons and grandsons.. , another visit to aamchi Mumbai and to India's mongering capital Navi Mumbai! As usual few excerpts from my mongering diary which, if past is any indication, not much use to anyone..
While I was getting ready to start my journey to Vashi, one of my colleague was on his way to travel to Pune and since he is new to Mumbai, offered him a ride up to Vashi and suggested he could take shared taxi or bus from there. Being linguistically challenged (not that I am multilingual, but can't reveal that to him, can I?!) he happily took that offer and while on our way he slowly started asking about 'special bars' in Mumbai that he had heard from his friends! Technically this guy is our supplier and not a direct colleague so the risk of my exposure is very low, so thought I will initiate him to mongering, an act of kindness from my end in the hope that it will add brownie points with chitragupta when I visit hell (where else would I go?!)
So took him straight to Sneha, a place I am sure had helped many a mongers on their passage of rites..
It had been more than 2 years since I visited Sneha but due to many quality FRs here, had very good idea of current status and thus updated him as if the info is my own.. The awestruck look on his face was worth the lie.. so thank you guys for many FRs!! Rather than sitting together wanted him to have some space and by the time I could settle and order drinks I could see that he had already asked one milf to sit.. what followed in the next one hour was akin to watching Rohit Shetty movie in fast forward.. just a blur...Every 10 minutes he was changing the girl.. i asked him to slow down and settle down with just one but he was living his Hunterrr fantasies and wanted to grab as much flesh as he could. Intermittently he was giving me updates like 'sir, she did this, sir she did that'.. I went over and told him don't give me running commentary, just enjoy and stop calling me sir (wanted to protect my age, you see!) .. he responded 'yes sir, sorry sir, will not call sir, sir...'.. with his statement you can understand the buzz he was in. So guys sincere apologies if you had to witness strange conversation between us two.. hopefully we didn't bother you much!
In all he sat with 7 of them, he could remember Rubina, Sunita, Sonali, Reshma.. others he couldn't remember. We couldn't locate famous Chandni..
His rating: all 10/10.. for Rubina he would give 20/10 as she made him cum without even touching his dick.. he is mighty impressed!! He couldn't rate anything else like bar atmosphere, drink quality , seat comfort, coatwala behaviour etc. as I am sure he did not notice any of it..
Damage: 2400 for all girls.
Drinks: 2100 (lot of Rio's)
Coatwala: 150
Security: 50
Finally managed to drag him away and get him board a bus to Pune from Nerul bypass. I have not heard from him since, so any kind ones travelling between Pune and Mumbai find a guy in jeans and white t-shirt asking for directions to Sneha bar or running madly like hunterrr guy, kindly PM me..
Now for investors, bad and good news... Wake-up, if you had dozed off on previous monologue..
First, bad news.. I have to sadly withdraw my proposal for drunken monkey dance troop.. well in Sneha one milf sat on my lap and her bulkiness (could have been my rheumatic bones, who knows!) might have caused some long term damage and may need some healing (bbmk Bhai, now I understand the logic of your previous avatar.. you really need to be like a rock to manage these heavyweights

).. so until then, this proposal has to unfortunately be archived for now. however any like-minded mongerer want to pursue, by all means, please do !! This milf kept asking for entry, but if she could do such damage imagine the plight of my fragile dick if she rides on top..luckily common sense prevailed and I refused ..sorry, as usual digressed.. now for the new proposal.. this is inspired by the movie Vicky Donor (if you have not watched it, please do, you will not regret it)... While at Sneha watched quite a few crumpled and stuck tissues( you know with what!) lying on the floor and if Ayushman Khurrana and Annu Kapoor can make crores, there is a potential crores of rupees lying on the floors of Sneha, Sai Darbar and other SBs.. all we need to do is find a way to get the milf and cleaning guy to preserve the tissue as quickly as possible before the sperm dies!! Of course there are legal challenges and more importantly identity one (imagine your neighborhood kid growing and starts resembling you!).. but let us tackle those later, so get your cheque book out.. if the potential receivers of sperm ask about donor profile, I think we should be able to manage something .. someone who explores every inch of the body: Doctor, someone who negotiates and agree all services before payment: lawyer, guy who plays tonsil tennis with the girl: sports person, monger who is interested in structural aspects of the girl: architect/ builder, guy who gets it for free: local councillor/ politician... of course the most important one: guy who does it for free and also get paid by bar owner: our good old policeman!!
So investors, venture into this new exciting opportunity..
Once again thanks to many who have shared lots of info on Sneha. My lost friend is one happy transformed man.
Advance warning:
Part 02 to follow soon..
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