Saturday Night FR
Torn apart between Navi Mumbai and Andheri, decided to pick the third option - Thane
My earlier visit to Thane was way back when I was not even aware of the existence of SBs and believed that only OBs existed - hence my visits to Sun City and one another bar on the same side of the road as Sun City (with pitch dark interiors) were shocking, to say the least...
Amrapali - Out in 5 minutes
Anyways - so had heard a lot about Amrapali and hence decided to start with checking out the place as had never been to a pure SB in Thane... Reached the place by 5 PM.. SB is situated on the ground floor, entered and almost stumbled on the way down as the bar is located a little below the level of the road... stood like a log in the doorway itself, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the absolute darkness but even after 5 odd minutes, I could barely make out shapes sitting on the tables and some of the shapes moving around (i still wonder how they managed to avoid collisions)... Realized this wasnt the place for me and walked out to the DB section which was in contrast to the SB section... The DB section is on the left, is well-lit and has ample space and stage to dance... however not ennough girls were present and so walked out - deciding to visit the place again in future just for the DB section... Would rate the girls quality in DB as 5 to 7 on 10 max... cant rate the girls quality in SB but if you want a faceless goddess jerking you off in pitch darkness, you can give it a shot....
Now I had no clue about the other bars in Thane so decided to stick to what little I knew about the bars in Thane - headed straight to Kapurbawadi..
As far as I could make out there are 4 DB/SBs in the area - on the opposite sides of the road...
Sun City sits lazily on one side of the road while Swagat, Chandni and one other bar sit on the other side...
Since had heard about
Sun City being revamped - decided to give it the first preference...
Nothing much of an experience at Sun City DB (first floor) except for 30 long minutes of Aarti followed by an equally longer wait for the ladies to dress up and walk in... Could see only 5 of them and would rate them as 6/10 with an exception of 7/10... It seemed like the DJ had never grown out of his love for 90s bollywood... The waiters were pretty busy to even refill the glass and had to be called a couple of times before they actually came over.. And on despite all that they have the audacity to sell a Bud for Rs. 700... While on my way out, decided to have a look at SB - typical cubicle set up, with forgettable quality of ladies...
Overall rating for the place - 5/10 to be generous, a strict avoid for NM mongerers...
Next stop was the
New Chandni bar on the opposite side of the road, the left most bar under the bridge... What was surprising is that the hoarding says family restaurant and offers takeaways

(maybe what they meant was "entry available".
Nothing to speak about the SB section on the first floor - same old story of pitc darkness and forgettable faces..
the DB section is a small 8 seater section, the quality of girls was definitely two tiers higher than Sun City, eyed a tall, fair, slim from Delhi and her friend, a bubbly rajasthani with straightened hair and a penchant for bending over every now and then and poke her ass out... The otheer ladies were also min 7/10... Thought finally here are two ladies who can be made to dance and can flirt with, started tipping them listlessly and flirted with them for a while... The KLPD was when I asked for the songs to be played and asked the Delhi girl to perform, the owner intervened with "Section garam hai, room me le jaao, sab karegi"... Such a huge waste of the talent and charms - if she could turn me on just with a few expressions from her kitty, I wonder how much would she have milked had she been allowed to dance... After knowing what NM offers, i was seriously shocked when garlands of notes were presented to the girls just for standing and shaking a bit of their butt - but well to each, his own...
Would repeat only if I dream of the Delhi girl's sharp features and slim waist
Overall rating - 7/10 only for the ladies..
Fun fact: The washroom leads to a dingy lane and an underground something - ideal for blowjobs if anyone has those fantasies of having a well-dressed bar girl blow them off under the moon....
Last stop in the Thane DB (Do It Yourself Bars) list was Swagat - definitely the pick of the lot with its soothing interiors and pretty faces... Could not spend much time here as had a lot pending on the to-do list for the night but spent enough time to befriend a shorty with curls and dimples - would have been an icing on the cake had she too been allowed to perform but it was not meant to be...
Overall rating - 8/10 for the quality of girls, interiors and music system...
With the newly grown wings courtesy 3 cans of RedBull, glided to Nakshatra post dinner and was positively surprised with what my eyes witnessed...
The plush red interiors were a welcoming sight after having spent last few hours in mid-to-low end DBs and this place matched the ambience and lighting of an upscale Belapur Ob.. the best comparison , acc to me, would be Star City and bebo... Was the only customer in the bar at 9:30ish with the staff busy watching Russell demolish the opposition... Loved the professional attitude as 5 girls, all dressed to kill, hit the floor without any delay (in fact the girls appeared even before my drink did).. Romantic songs were replaced by teasing, vivacious bollywood numbers and girls performed on the stage despite me being the only person in the bar... Took fancy to a Monalisa look-alike (bhojpuri actress, not the Vinci one) but decided to play an inverse roulette game... Asked for change and tipped all the girls who performed on the stage except for Monalisa... Repeated the same for one more cycle of performances until she began to leave...Asked the waiter to call her and got her to perform on Jugnu kki Payal to start with and boy, she danced with such ferocity as if not being tipped had insulted her to the core and she wanted to make me realize the magnitude of my mistake

Followed it up with a couple of Monalisa songs before marking the place down as worthy of a next visit...
Overall rating - 8/10 on all parameters...
Last stop of the day was the iconic Icon bar - the novelty factor being its location on the first floor of Wonder mall...
Fell in love with the interiors as I walked in - black interiors giving it an appearance of a club being converted into a dance bar just for few VIP patrons... the seats lined up against the walll, each one of them facing the centre stage.. In all aspects, the place is a replica of Icon (Belapur) - who knows it might even be a franchisee... except for the lighting - the black lighting perfectly compliments the interiors and augments the experience while at Icon Belapur the lights are pretty bright...
Highlight of the night was live vocals by a pretty lady named Sweety who sang her heart out to Aa bhi ja from Sur... Requested her to sing "Dil ko Hazar baar roka" from Murder and boy did she sing so well... For the first time in my life, came across a bar performer who had it in her to make it big where it mattered but was held back by the way things work in our country... In what was one more first time - tipped the singer more than the dancers for the night...
I usually avoid naming or endorsing any girls on the forum - but a humble request to all mongerers in and around Thane or travelling to Thane - do visit Icon once and show her some love...
Did not get anyone to dance here as I was more focused on Sweety than anyone else - but there seemed to be decent performers around (especially a lanky lass with a midriff and back so perfect & tempting that you can have a Hot Wheels race over her curves)
Overall rating - 9/10 for the interiors and 11/10 for Sweety...
Lesson learnt: Visit Thane for OBs but stick to NM for DBs and SBs.
ANother lesson learnt: Drinking 5 redbulls in one mongering night results in one staying awake till 5 AM (do not attempt these stunts without supervision and good internet connnectivity)