If you actually take the time to befriend the ladies and ask them to speak the truth. Most of them will honestly tell you that they only tolerate DATY, they do not enjoy it. We always brag about how good we are at pleasing women, the truth is that these ladies see dozens of men a week, they have seen everything. Good hygiene requires the ladies to shower after DATY, showering dries up their skin, they tend to want to limit the number of showers a day. Most men are actually NOT GOOD at DATY, yes, I know the truth hurts but most of us are not good at it; but we do it to satisfy our ego. The ladies tolerate it because we pay them. Imagine if you are forced to endure 5 to 8 blowjobs a day, don't think you would enjoy blowjobs too much after a few days. Some of them have significant others at home and they actually do their best to keep their eyes close thinking of blue skies and fluffy clouds to endure the torture.
If you can find a lady who is an ultra low volume provider and truly enjoy your company, great for you. But most are simply going through the motion allowing DATY because you pay them well. They don't enjoy it, they simply tolerate it.
Just ask for the honest truth if you can handle it. I suspect most of you don't want to know the truth.
You also need an ego check if you truly believe that you are better than the other 30 guys she saw that week. I have no ego when it comes to that department, I just know I spend more money than most.