I'm not sure what world you guys who are defending Scrooge live in, but calling people names over and over again is not only wrong- but it's abuse. Maybe I overreacted by saying that he would hit/rape someone, but he obviously has an anger problem and abuse has to start somewhere. I have many women in my lives whether it be my mother, sister, wife, daughter or female friends and I wouldn't want people calling them boneheads/airheads/stupid/dumb repeatedly. The point is that you don't know the facts about why Sandra turned you away, but even if she did it because she was lazy doesn't mean she is a moron. Yes, maybe she screwed up and I'm the first one to admit that Star Studio doesn't exactly have the best customer service- but you were in the wrong to post what you did in such a manner. This is a board to share experiences, which you did and I think people should know if a spa is turning people away before they close- but it's not a place to bash mpas, sps, strippers or whatever.