Here are some facts for you. The law of the land, which was in place during Obama's administration, prevents children from being held in an adult detention facility. Hence, under Obama, separate holding facilties (cages), were built. By Obama, not Trump. Obama solution to avoiding having families separated was to stop enforcing the law. Not exactly wisdom worthy of a Solomon.
And the people showing up at the border are trying to get into the country illegally. To stop that is not to be racist, it is simply enforcing the law. You can do that and be compassionate about their situation at the same time, but choosing to simply open the border is not a responsible solution. The present escalated numbers at the border is 100% Biden's fault. When you let it be known that you are going to reverse the previous administration's policy, what do you expect to have happen?
I know and expect that your only response to reason and facts is to shoot out the "racist" accusation. Got news for you, it no longer works.