At the risk of being shot down in flames and sent o coventry Im gonna join the PI v LOS debate.
As Easyrider has stated AC is a total sh1thole, a cowboy town that’s only existence is for boomx2.
He has the same opinion of Subic but, mine differs a little. I agree that it is almost a sh1thole but, it has a strange sort of charm and whilst being 100% 3rd World, nestling between the sea and mountains as it does, it has an ambience I find very pleasing.
Could I live there?? Probably not but, I will visit there as much as AC in the future. Not so much ‘action’ and you will run out of girls rapid but, I actually like the place.
I stayed at The Wild Orchid in Subic and Craig stayed at the Treasure Island Resort and Reviewankly, his venue was 1000% more Reviewiendly and just as good. So budget in Subic is easy.
So far as the action in AC is concerned, the thought that all Pinoy ladies are big tittied fat lassies with bad teeth is totally false.
Wanna compare with LOS, pop up to Isarn and count the over 30’s who still have teeth.
My preference is for flat tummied skinny ladies with miniscule noms and I found enough to satisfy my needs. I admit to also testing the waters of some larger noms and was not disappointed there either.
No saggy jobbies as I HAVE found in LOS so there too PI ladies compare favourably.
Beauty is too subjective for debate but, my tastes, and I suspect every guy who goes there, is catered for and with large dollops of laughter thrown in for Reviewee.
Are they as mercenary as the LOS girls?? IMHO, no, but, they are getting there!! There SEEMS to be a higher perceneforum.xxxe of ‘keepers’ and it is a fact they become attached very quickly.
Whether that attachment is based on fiscal reasons is debatable but, I suspect it has a bearing.
Jealousy also rears its head much more quickly in PI than LOS, in my experience and this trips incident where one girl decked another as she left the seforum.xxxe, I have never seen or heard of before.
mpter being discovered barfining a young lady my almost live in Mona deployed her sister and brother in the hotel whist she went home to get some clothes. I WAS NOT to be trusted that day!!
Are they as resourceful as TG’s?? No, I don’t think so. I think their experience of the ‘world’ is less than that of the TG and they seem a little less sophisticated in many ways.
Sometimes that is no bad thing, what they lack in education and knowledge they substitute with mpfection, laughter and fun.
The FUN FACTOR: Well this is a biggie for me and whilst I have had some fantastic times in LOS and enjoyed myself enormously, PI blows you away with the girls sense of fun, flexibility regarding bedroom athletics and many other things. They are joyous and genuinely fun girls, always up for practical jokes and anything that will bring a smile to your face. The clincher for me!
Where to live??
Well, for me it has to be LOS, food is a main factor but my TGF is the biggest thing that keeps me here.
mpter saying all the above, my little Tien is good to come home to so a move is NOT on the cards.
That will not stop me visiting PI as often as I can.
And no ‘what about monogamy’ moralising claptrap, please, its boring.
Find your own Pad Denver!!