As other posters have advised you, PLEASE, only accept 'spinal fusion' as a very, very last resort and only after every other option has been excluded and you are convinced that you are totally happy with it on that basis.
The 'spinal fusion' procedure was not originally introduced to British surgery as a spinal treatment, it was first used around 1905 to correct the curviture of the spine caused by severe muscle spasms, which were in turn caused by 'TB'. The only reason it was used for spinal conditions was that as side effect of stiffening the spine, it appeared that a lot of patients also gained an indetermined amount of pain relief.
It has been used as the standard NHS treatment ever since, even though I have failed to find any results of trials regarding this most destructive of
spinal treatments which would in my mind justify its use. Neither could I find any records regarding the safety or efficacy rates of fusion.
The Consultant Orthopeadic and Neurosurgical Surgeons who largely carve up the Spinal Surgery lists between them, are aware of how destructive 'fusion' is. One Orthopeadic Surgeon who I was refered to, threatened me with 'fusion'!! because the conservative treatments she gave me failed to work, and in her mind, this made it my fault!!
So please Carly, don't be pushed or bullied in to accepting this very destructive treatment. Do your research, there is '21st Century' treatments out there, you just need to look!
Good luck & best wishes