This ^^^^ and a whole lot more than just security and accounting. People really have no idea.
First the disguise, does not work because strategically when leaving (as opposed to arriving) the MPA blocks your way at the camera (hall / reception), goes in for a peck, instantly grabs shades and says, "wow, are these ever nice." Proceeds to play keep away.
Forget the boss, the MPA's take phone camera shots off the higher quality monitor (not the one in the room), will then share them internally and externally. I imagine they could do image search as well, but don't know if they are doing it, just that's it's possible. I suspect one reason (less nefarious) is to identify what is considered cheapskates. All the other stuff I mentioned within I experienced and or seen happening with my own eyes.
As far as a Boss sitting at the front desk with a wad in her purse. That's like an MPA using a caulk ring as a condom. What are the chances someone would know the best time to grab a purse full? Well, I can think of a few people who would know, none of them clients.