How did I miss this thread?
On your first post: while you two may have been fuck buddies, it is always nice to know that you'll be missed, even in the slightest sense. Your comment to him said: you are nothing more than a dick with a body attached..happy fucking! In other words: you'll be gone? I won't even notice....
Onto the reunion: wtf is up with this guy? That is a shit thing to pull. Kind of reminds me of a buddy and I, we'd have dinners 2 or 3 times a week and he suggested we alternate who pays, he pays, I pay he pays I pay etc.
So one night he calls me up and says he feels like chinese, let's go get some. So we have dinner, bill comes to forty odd dollars and he hands it to me and says: your turn..>WTF< ?? When it's HIS turn to pay we go to wendy's or harvey's or at the most, Dangerous Dans, when he wants chinese and doesn't have the money he invites me out?
I said to him: man, that's low. YOU are leaving the fucking tip and forget about this alternating bullshit....(I learned a LOT about him that night and it lead to me learning a lot of other things).
Anyhow, you're best to be rid of this invite someone to join you and not even make an attempt to cover his friend's portion? That's class....low class that is....