Truth be known we made gods up to so we could blame them for what we chose to do.
WE don't want to take responsibility for our own shit that we make happen , allow to happen , and do nothing to stop.
When it comes down to it we are the God of our own Heven and Hell ..
To think that there is a entity that pacifically created a universe for Man alone is only a sign of small minds and maybe mankind's insanity.
There are forces out side of the physical seances that we rely on there seem to be things that have happened that make us believe so But shopuld we build alters to Gods because of it ,, NO! But Men have because we are a afraid . We are afraid to to believe we are a lone , have to do this all by our selve , solve the problems of survival .
Admittedly it is tough to be with out help or hope in some situations ,, but never the less it ultimately it is each off us as individuals or as a group ,that must rally our own strength to over come or we parish.. That is where hope and beleif in an un knowen god of our own makeing ,some times comes in handy to make use think that we have a helping had , ,that victory does not depend on us alone , and with those beliefs we seem to be able to draw on a strength out side of our consciousness and physical being that makes it possible to do what we though impossible . Is it GOD?