Known Reviewer
The vaccine is not 100% effective, so you can still get covid, and no one knows what the long-term effects are.
Even if a hypothetical vaccine was 99.9% effective, that technically still means you could possibly get Covid, but if a vaccine has a generally high efficacy rate then your odds of getting Covid are massively lower, not to mention the effects of illness being tremendously reduced if you're one of the very unlucky few amongst the vaccinated who still manages to catch Covid.
We don't know what the long-term effects of Covid are either, but we do know the potential short term effects: death!
As for vaccines, 110 million and counting so far vaccinated in the US alone. Virtually no one is dying from the vaccine, unless Ursus or Bitchute are your primary sources of information... meanwhile about 3 million deaths and counting worldwide from Covid thus far....
On balance your risk of harm or death is orders of magnitudes lower by getting vaccinated rather than risking Covid. Even though statistically most of us would be very unlikely to die from Covid, regardless society is not going to fully reopen, and more importantly SPAS are not going to reopen, until the rate of hospitalization and death is significantly reduced for everyone in society. Think of how happy your SW will be if she knows you're protected.
So the sooner everyone can just man up and get a shot the better... for all these guys who always posture like they are so brave and fearless their paranoia about getting a needle is pretty amusing.