The massacres happening in Gaza can only be understood religiously: the Jewish mindset is such that they believe the land was divinely granted to them, and all the inhuman, soul-lacking "animals" (according to the Talmud) that currently occupy the land are just squatters.
Same goes for the "greater Israel" project. This doesn't stop where the map in the Bible shows historical borders, and, oh, once they're all established again, that's it.
And it doesn't even stop with the "Greater Israel" project. Jerusalem is seen as the divine capital of the entire world, precisely because the ultimate fulfillment of "prophecy" is Jews running the entire world and goyim slaves serving them for all eternity once their messiah comes back. (According to their own scripture)
It's about as far an understanding as you can get from anything any Christian group teaches. "The Kingdom of Heaven" to them is a worldwide Jewish kingdom where all the goyim spend their days serving Jews (who own and control everything), for all eternity.
This isn't me making this up. This isn't invective. This is literally Jewish Orthodox teaching.