Known Reviewer
You sound a bit agitated, sweetheart. Are you agitated? I triggered the hell out of this Boomer with a simple question he had no answer toStop crying like a little bitch. He got charged and did time. Justice was served. You MAGA Republicans are the biggest pussies on the planet.
Why do you support Trump the pedophile? Here was the actual lawsuit filed against Trump but was dropped just before the 2016 election and the women went into hiding out of fear for her own life
Katie Johnson Civil case for Rape Trump Epstein.pdf
Katie Johnson Civil case for Rape Trump Epstein.pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for

You keep coming back to look more and more like the dumbass everyone in this thread knows you are. You aren't as smart as you think. You come here and post your lame cringeworthy Boomer-tier videos that no one watches and your Facebook Grandma memes LOL and think you did something. You are, in actuality, a gullible fucking clown. A useful idiot that will believe any negative story about Donald Trump.
You call Trump a pedophile (maybe he is maybe he's isn't, and he should be held accountable if he is) but didn't that demented and senile jackass Joe Biden inappropriately take showers with his own daughter? and it's been confirmed by his own daughter's writing? Aren't there literal *compilations* of Joe Biden on the internet sniffing children and inappropriately touching them as they look uncomfortable as fuck and as their parents watch on? LMAO
People who live in glass houses aren't in any position to throw stones.
I've seen you in this same thread spouting conspiracy theories calling Donald Trump Jr. a drug addict, when in reality, it's Joe Biden's son (you know, the one that fucked his dead brother's wife? yeah, that one) that is on video tape *multiple times* literally smoking crack and snorting cocaine with most likely underage hookers.
Look at that poor girls face. What do you see? A picture is worth a thousand words.
I fucking own you, son.