Spa Drifter
kl_funguy, I have been in this hobby long enough and I have dated so many MPAs through out my years. Some singles, some married, some with grown up kids, some with both husbands, kids and 2-3 boyfriends at the same time. Girls in this industry are all about business. They all are very good players and I myself had learnt it a hard way.
I am pretty sure you have been played. I can guaranty she is married and have kids . She is afraid to be seen with you in public tells me clearly she is hiding something from you. If she really likes you and loves you, you can tell very easily by the way she communicates with you. If she is really into you, she will answer your calls and texts promptly and she will also be willing to see you any time you wish. Otherwise she was just playing with you to keep you as her regular and her solid regular source of income. Don't be surprised if you find out she also have 2-3 guys like you on the side.
Now I am working for a few spas and dealing with all the spa girls almost every day, hanging out with them on and off the clock and listen to their stories almost every day. Some girls are so good at playing and so mean to a point I have to warn some guys to be careful who they are dealing with.. Sometimes I have to tell the girls to play fair and not to take too much advantage of the vulnerable suckers. Some girls are ok but some told me blunt they are not forcing them to do those things. They are just stupid and are willing victims. Sometimes it was quite true. Some idiot still refused to believe what they heard from me.
Krayjee, I know you are very close to these ladies, have tons of experience in this regard and I do respect your opinion but some of the "assumptions" you are making are not accurate. First, I never said she didn't have kid(s) and I'm quite familiar with her marital situation. Also, when did I say she's afraid to be seen in public with me (if anything, it's the other way around because I'm always looking over my shoulder when I'm out with her). I've been out in public with her many times and know some of her closest friends quite well. In fact, I believe I said the first time we went out was to a place where many of her friends were present. Before she left to China, she wanted to go to party where there would have been close to 200 people, many of whom know her (the real her). She does answer my texts promptly and I can call her any time I want, if I wish to do so.
Does she have boyfriends? She tells me she doesn't and I believe her but I guess it's possible she's lying. Keep in mind, we're not dating per se and we've definitely never said we would be exclusive to each other so there's really no reason for her to be dishonest about this. I totally get that one day she may meet a single man that can give her everything she's looking for. In the meantime, we're just enjoying each other's company. No one is being taken advantage of here...I've never spent money on her, other than a small gift on her birthday (which she did the same for mine) and she never asks when I'm going to visit her at the spa next.