His account got suspension for a whole day back in his I&U day. He has been educated what's the limitation of his shillings. Bear in mind that he takes advantage of MP in receiving all kinds of benefits from spas for so many years. For instance, montly paid $?00 for each spa, free room fees, additional services from girls, job referral for extra benefits (steals the girls from his shilling places, keep that in mind the boss recruits the girls, not him).Pathetic attempt crawling on your knees trying to ask Michelle for some breadcrumbs? How is your failing Eat Beaver spa doing? No girls want to work there? Kreepy Fraudster!
He doesn't show appreciation to Planet management team. Actually he has told some spa owners that MP is getting popular because of his shilling techniques.
EBC most likely is slow in business lately. Yes, they can't afford a small banner (he tells his EBC boss to stop it because he is aware the new random thread policy has been settled down. Most members click on "New Posts instead of Toronto Massage Reviews). On the other hand they want to get attention as much as possible on MP. As you guys can see how many posts he bumps up with some stupid conversations everyday. ...
Don't want to be so mean to senior therefore I don't report him yet. He should be focusing on make up stories under his "EBC Thread". His promoting life for EM is done.
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