Had a phenomenal 45 mins with Jessy today. If you guys want nude she is not the one for you but her massage and finish is worthy of a repeat. She concentrated on the back and neck as opposed to all extremities until working on butt area and light tease. For the remainder she got into some touching, edging and stroking just before flip, then continued after flip with 15 mins left, taking her time with a slow methodical edging technique that is one of the best I have experienced. I did tell her, slow and soft and boy was it. I tried to tell Sandy, who was on the phone that she is a younger version of her, she did not understand what I was trying to say.
After clean up she did an amazing head massage. Like I said, not for everybody staying fully clothed but stays with the famous theme of E&M which leaves you feeling top notch when leaving....good times.
Not sure what other days she works.