Nothing much. Just exposing another rat or the cock blocker as you called
These rats are the main reasons lots of girls don't want them to be reviewed and we all lose out in the end. Even Michelle and Angel told me last night not to write any more reviews for them after this crap. I don't blame them. That's why I had deleted all my posts and I will have to think twice to post anything again. For now I will only PM to the guys I trust in here about my new finds and other info. What Michelle told me is so true. She said a guy like him will bad mouth her too once their relationship got sour.
Here is the best tip I can give to those who wants good service from girls. Pls bear in mind " we make a life by what we give, not by taking." . Always give, give, give without expecting anything in return. Help them whenever you can. The rewards may come slow or may never come but when it comes, it's the most fulfilling feeling you will ever have.