No matter how you shill, it won't fly. Poorly planned and poor marketing by JimiNY from the very beginning.
No in room shower at a bodyslide place is a No No to me and for the girls. Trying to get a girl for SF2 in a common shower? Good luck. Coco aka Annie left OM for the same reason. Now OM has 4 en-suite shower rooms and the biz went up 20%.
So, kj dude… u no, I stand up 4u

, even other guys mock u, cut u down… I appreciate what u bring here..
So that word

I mean, dudes calling u that all the time, I no… its kinda insult, eh?
Usually, I call u promoter, kinda nicer word, but if u prefer shill, hey, whatever, less letters, e-z 2type…
BUT promoter, shill whatever.,. they get PAID, right? Like with credit cards preloaded w cash, paper $$$,

etc… time + skill + experience + effort = $$$… thats a biz model…
… Im a hobbiest… i dont get paid.. & I dont lie in reviews… thats why people trust me enuf 2 struggle w bad English & grammar!
If I start a thread, I watch it & respond, FFS, ofc, so does everyone… if someone talks about stuff I like or amuses me, I respond… u can read my posts all over the place…
With Lucy, damn straight Im talkng in those threads… shes a fave, treats me like a king… I luv Shangri-la but I dont want Lucy 2go back there… Im just SO FRIGGN TIRED of having my sesh interrupted by Renee… some anti-xtc vibe there…
... There are a SH!TLOAD of Lucy threads… even found yer talkng about her here 4 some reason I dunno… & pretty e-z 4me 2 shake the tree a bit & watch all these threads fall down… I still aint seen
@Hangdai respond so theres still lotsa Lucy fans dunno about her new place…
CBQ or whoever took interestng risk opening a Bellagio spa @160 EBC unit 33, so near 2 so many other spas… & while clients = still scared of COVID

& half the girls still hanging out in China

but hey, buy low, sell hi… mebbe theyll grt rich!
.. so fair 2 say Im a Lucy fan, & I sure as hell talk on her many many threads… holy fuck, more threads about Lucy than Lorena @ Seduction, Lucy’s gotta b most popular mpa on msgplanet

… sez the fanboy…
So I hope she gets enuf biz 2stay @ Bellagio, & Im sure my lil review

didnt hurt… I do have self interest, but I dont think I deserve 2 join the noble ranks of THE SHILLERS just yet… somebody gotta start payng me