I never mentioned anything about jurisdiction because is has nothing to do with this tread IMHO (getting busted).I mentioned QC in the sense that while practising our hobby in QC there are certain legal restrictions(laws) that maybe enforced by LE and that is what we want to avoid. When you find yourself in a situation that while you are getting a massage and there is a knock at the door by the police,you care very little or at all, what level of government has sent them to rain on your parade.
If you go back to 10-4 Roger post #18 you can read up on Mod's take which seems to concur with what I posted. My post started with the words "my understanding" so you therefore cannot challange what my thoughts are but you can instead take a positive more pro active approach and be helpful rather than being negative.
Lets try to make a genuine effort to make this board work for the benefit of all of its members.
Have a good day and don't get caught with your pants down lol.