Im owner of AAA Exclusive Club (Please excuse my not 100% English)
Im sorry you dont have the best momories from our club, but Im sure it is not possible what you are writing here. I would accept this situation happened once, but not more times.....but anyways, I can give you many possible situations explaining that:
You say:"There was no customer, and only some four girls. Worse girls than in Smichov"
......very possible is that its right because girls are busy at the rooms and of course busy are those better of them!....I understand that you prefer (for me "shity" private appartments.....I mean generally), but also clubs doesnt have to be all the time full of customers, more when they have the system like
AAA Exclusive
Club, that is focused for better customers who spend more money for better quality and Im not speaking now about how the girls are at the rooms only and about
their services.....Im speaking about
generall quality of the club.....
proffesionall service!!, cleanness!!, not ripping off!!, atmosphere!! (that maybe might be on the first position) , and of course selection of the girls, who are naturaly nice, having fun and not problematic (of course you cant never be sure 100%, but you do the best to eliminate problematic girls), as that creates the name of the club also.
Of course even you do the best, sometimes might happen that there is "bad time" for number of girls as you cant expect too much responsibility from them....even you have some rulles, sometimes there should be for example 15 girls (they are in the plan) and even 7 of them doesnt come, each of them with some argument. Than 3 girls are at the rooms, and right in this moment Karlespe maybe comes. 200,- Entrance fee you have one drink, you can call us and we send you our car for free and usually there are girls dancing some topless if we have some of topless dancers available in the moment.....and in new club all of the girls have to make some normal dance to show theirself when guests come.......just feel free to check our site better and you will get all info you need to have the best fun here that we always try to make
Im sure that there IS the reason why to come to our club. At least to have some fun.

We have really very much of very satisfied customers.
As the club....we will be number one in me.