Draping, Comfort, and so forth
In Florida, the law states that one may work on an undraped client as long as there is informed consent. That said, everything else comes down to comfort.
I have a few, and I mean few clients that prefer to be undraped. They are comfortbale with that, and as they have been here many times, they know that I will do nothing inappropriate, and I know they are looking for just a massage. On these people, I can utilize more movents, like long strokes that run the entire body. It makes it nice to look at a body as an entire canvas rather than taking it piece by piece.
Now, I give a good massage whether I drape or not, but the question of draping has to do with comfort, comfort for the client and for the therapist. Most people are not comfortable being undraped. Many therapists are not comfortbale with the client undraped.
So the real question has to do with comfort and what everyone is comfortable with.
On another point, I know that there are legitimate reasons for breast massage. Most schools are too timid to even teach the whole body much less this. I have looked at one time or another and not been able to find a legitimate school that teaches this. Any ideas?