He's probably going to shill here again and try to look for his victim. He goes under curvcrazee/krayjee and his innocent account nostring, it goes like this most of the time..he'll ask a question then answer it himself. Pretty shit and full of bullshit.
You forgot to mention Adriel, aha!, bananalana, BGirl, Born Again, Carson L, clm08, daisyflower_x, dale_jdc, Dancer 4 Life, Estefano, gUiTaR pLaYa, Hamster Town, Jannet, Keith O, MacM, Old Roddy ROD, 2cloudornot2cloud, 48burt, achalmers, acuneen, adam933, ajay, aksoutherland, albokay, allian, AnalKaboom andreamarz, andremar, anonns, aplechaty, arando13, arnold3k, asimov, AsusNexus, atcjeff, Ate_Bit, Axiom, babowling, Bbarnaby, BesZain, bfull1478, BigBolt, birziet, Bjarneh, bluedog, BlueSky, bogolisk, bojica, bpambrose, brit.allen.71, brothertobious, bullfrog990, buzzman, CanniballistiX, casaverde, caseenBrandon, CBers, ceadams, cgilliam, Chad1274, cimst, colin1, Contra, cosmotrkr, criskolo, croxy, DaMaN, dangerdoc, dapeaz, darz_89, dasym, Davewc55, davioh, dclose, december8, derekj, dgoodsell, Dibbly, dnvall, Droidlife, droidtard, DroidVengeance, dvdcatalyst, eduardocarlospereira, eejit, erickb1800, figafetta, flib, fortinjlf1, Frankrossouw, FriedSlug, frostrc911, funtimeguy, FXSarge, Garemlin, GeorgeB, goodintentions, gpstrucker, Gramaton550, grdelvalle, hades, hellman, heyref2k, HoosierCreeks, hrtrulz, iannkt78, icebluelily, idresponse, Indians, jadude724, jaycz, jbzny1, Jeffrey, jermflux, jhollin1138, jimed43, jismail, jjborders, jmoi923, jnats, joeburl, joehanratty, JohnTee, Jorell00, jssihs, kaned84, katto01, Keven, kgragert, kopilj, kyriverfisher, Larrikin, ldkronos, LdyMox, leeshor, LisaorL2, luquiyahni, MA83, mac53, magarmuch, Magissia, malice95, markab, Marthos, Martyway, Mashinac, matrix311, MaylonTRD, Mheg04, michaelshk, Mickeylittle, MikeM, MikeS, mirabu, mitchb2, mitjab, mk12345, mmmooretx, mojospapi, MTBR442, nacron, nascar3n88, netprince, Nicknasty22, niko59, nomad666, nquateman, nzfox, oldman43, PAB5204, paulo, penskyc, Snyderman34, sotongkia, sparks3229, spathi, spike48, srcbutterfly, Submersibleman, SunnyCoaster, Symar, tabman, Tallica, tbone369, Terko, thenrik, ThePostman, tidelover, TJ1, tomnook, towers1209, treblid, TriadX1, tstreete, Twister, umba59, vasman, venture996, vra111, vtedwards, wbertacchini, WForsyth, wolverine, x3baddad, Xelstyle, yetibritish, zel213, znpp, curvcrazee, Easy, georgy, Loup03, peterson.
You are such a turd. Take you negativity elsewhere before I report you for cyberbullying.